Laguna Paron Day Trip & Hiking Guide

Hiking Laguna Paron is an awesome part of a day tour from Huaraz.

Are you looking for the best day hike from Huaraz or Caraz? Visit Laguna Paron, one of the most beautiful lakes in Peru and the largest lake in the Cordillera Blanca. This Laguna Paron travel guide includes everything you need to know, including tips on how to get there without a guided tour, what to pack, or where to stay.

It is interesting how some places are overshadowed by similar attraction for no apparent reason.

We think this was exactly Laguna Paron's case. For a long time, the largest lake in Huascaran National Park in Peru was skipped by international visitors.

First of all, the lake is a bit further from Huaraz, but we rather blame the Cordillera Blanca.

This destination is oversaturated with blue lagoons surrounded by jagged snow-covered peaks that it is not that hard to be overlooked.

And if a natural attraction makes it to travelers' itineraries in such an exceptional place, well, it means only one thing. The place is above exceptional.

We probably do not have to emphasize that Laguna Paron made it over time to many Peru travel itineraries.

What usually keeps crowds away from Laguna Paron?

For many years it was the most popular Laguna 69 day trip from Huaraz.

It is undeniably the number one attraction for those pressed for time and travelers who want to get a sense of this unique region.

But it is important to know there are many more alternatives on how to spend some time in this mountainous range, and if you have even one day to spare, you should give Laguna Paron a chance.

In our opinion, the visit of Laguna Paron is equally beautiful to the feeling when you stand on the shore of Laguna 69, if not even better, because of the lack of fellow hikers.

You can see many snow-capped peaks of the surrounding mountains from the lake's shore, but one mountain stands out in particular.

It is probably a mountain that everyone knows by its appearance but doesn't know its name and location.

It is the Artesonraju; a mountain supposedly depicted in the Paramount Pictures logo. Yes, that American Holywood film company. Pretty cool, right? But back to the Laguna Paron.

As this travel destination is still not that renowned, we've decided to put together this Laguna Paron travel guide.

We share tips on how to get to Laguna Paron from both Caraz and Huaraz.

What is even more important, although it is more common to visit Laguna Paron with a tour from Huaraz, we actually got to the lake independently, so you might be interested to know all about it.

As Laguna Paron sits at altitude, we'll also talk more about acclimatization, the best time to visit, and what to pack. Let’s dive into it!

Laguna Paron is one of the most beautiful lakes in Peru.


Laguna Paron sits in breathtaking 4200 meters above sea level.

It is a great acclimatization hike for all who plan on doing more high altitude trips or multiday treks in Peru such as Santa Cruz Trek (or even Inca Trail or Salkantay Trek if traveling directly from Huaraz to Cusco area).

If you plan on staying in Huaraz, make sure you do not set off the very next day and give your body at least one day to adjust to the altitude.

Still, we think that Laguna Paron should not be the very first trip on your itinerary - take it more slowly.

If you follow common acclimatization tips, you should be able to make it to Laguna Paron during your time in the Cordillera Blanca, no matter if you decide to hike or take a tour that will take you directly to the lake's shore.

Here are a few simple rules - don't eat much, drink a lot of water (avoid alcohol) and climb all the way up steadily.

If you're looking for a more intensive experience, there is a basic hut (Refugio) or camping spot where you can spend a night very close to Lake Paron.

Based on our experience, it is better to be well-acclimatized in advance as sleeping at this altitude can cause you lots of trouble without proper training.

It is much harder than a day trip when you get back to the lower altitude on the very same day.

Laguna Paron sits in breathtaking 4200 meters above sea level.


Laguna Paron lies about three hours drive north from Huaraz or about a two-hour drive from Caraz - a smaller town where we decided to base ourselves for a couple of days instead of in touristy Huaraz.

The lake is one of the pearls of Huascaran National Park and, more specifically, the Cordillera Blanca.

Most people who hike in the Cordillera Blanca stay in Huaraz for a reason; it's a perfect base for most of the best day-trips in Peru, like Laguna Churup hike or Pastoruri Glacier.

We arrived in Caraz from Trujillo, where we visited Chan Chan ruins stayed there for a while, and then took a public bus to Huaraz, where we continued hiking.


As we've mentioned before, a small town Caraz can be a pleasant alternative to a touristy (and bit dirty) Huaraz.

There are also several travel agencies that will help you organize one day or multi-day treks if you prefer joining a tour except for hiking independently.

Here's a list of the best accommodation options in Caraz.

Budget | Hostal y Restaurante Business Rosh - We stayed in this family-run, cheap, but very nice and clean hostel, and it had everything we needed, including tasty breakfast.

Budget | Yoly's House - This reasonably priced hostel offers nice rooms, good breakfast, and it is a great base for hiking in the area.

Mid-range | Los Alamos - Quiet hostel with great views over Andean mountains, spacious rooms, and an excellent location close to the main square. This hotel even has a pool and a garden for guests' use.


The entrance fee to Laguna Paron is only S/5. It is six times less than the entrance fee to Laguna 69, which is another reason this destination has been increasingly popular, especially among budget travelers.

The ticket booth opens at 8 AM, so buy your ticket here. The office is about 10 kilometers from Laguna Paron, where the public transport drops you off.

If you travel with a tour, the driver will stop at the ticket office for you, in case the price is not included in the tour (read carefully what is included and what's not).

Although Laguna Paron lies within Huascaran National Park, you don't pay the national park entrance but only contribute to the local communities. It can change anytime soon, though.

We started the hike earlier that at 8 AM but met a collector on our way up and paid to him (we took a picture with him just in case, because he did not have any badge or anything proving he works for the site).

In case you wouldn't find anyone, you can pay by the lake in the shelter or on the way back.

The entrance fee to Laguna Paron is cheap even for budget travelers.


Laguna Paron is traditionally visited either from Huaraz or Caraz.

In general, you have two options on how to get to the lake, and depending on your travel style, you can choose to travel with a tour or independently.

As usual, every alternative has pros and cons. To sum it up, if you decide to take the tour, it means you will skip the hike because the car will take you directly to the lake's shore.

If you opt for an independent way, you'll enjoy the hike but getting to or from the lake is a bit more complicated.

We've put together information on how to visit Laguna Paron, so choose the option that suits you the best.


To visit Laguna Paron independently, we recommend spending a night in Caraz (a smaller, nicer, and much closer town than Huaraz).

If you want to stay in Huaraz, you just need to add another step, which is taking a colectivo from Huaraz to Caraz early in the morning, which takes about an hour and a half.

As timetables change often, ask around, but usually the first bus connecting these two cities should leave around 5 AM.

So you are in Caraz now. The first (and the only 100% confirmed) colectivo from Caraz to Pueblo Paron (the closest settlement to the hike's trailhead) goes from the bus station near the market at 6:30 AM.

It was not a van but a standard car, and if you are wondering how many people can fit into one car, it is nine.

Here we also have to mention our experience with the visitors center in Caraz. The lady who works there was very nice, but unfortunately, we asked her a couple of questions, and none of the answers was correct.

So always double-check with locals from where the colectivo goes, what time it goes back, and how much it cost.

There are also taxis that can take you from Caraz to the lake's shore and back with two hours waiting time for about S/120.

But back to the point. If you decided to travel by public transport (S/10), it also means that you are going to hike to Laguna Paron because the car will drop you off in Pueblo Paron, where the regular road ends.

To get from Caraz to the starting point of the Laguna Paron hike takes an hour; in case you want to be driven right to the lake, it takes two hours.

The colectivo dropped us off in Pueblo Paron, and we had to walk about five minutes to the starting point of the hike. We'll talk more about the hike in the next paragraph.

The fun started after we visited Lake Paron. We returned back and wanted to get from Pueblo Paron to Caraz, where we planned to spend the night. Pueblo Paron is not a typical village, but several scattered houses and the transport is irregular.

In the info center, we were told that the last van goes at 1 PM. Our morning driver informed us that the last one leaves at 4 PM, but when we finished our hike at 3 PM, the guy at the counter told us the last one would arrive at 7 PM.

Well, after 20 kilometers in our legs, the idea of walking another 25 kilometers to Caraz did not seem appealing, especially when it started to rain.

But we had to get back before dark, so we walked downhill (and meanwhile unsuccessfully tried to hitchhike a couple of bypassing returning tour buses).

After 3 kilometers, we spotted a car going in the opposite direction. The driver told us that he is going to Lake Paron to pick up some tourists and will drive them to Caraz.

He agreed to take us - so we spent an hour in the car only to arrive at Laguna Paron again, where we picked up other passengers (the driver forgot to mention that it will be six of them plus us though) and in another two hours we arrived in Caraz.

Pros | We always like to arrange things on our own when possible. It is more adventurous (sometimes maybe more than we would prefer) and it gives us freedom.

It is cheaper to get to Lake Paron independently (by public transport, not by taxi), you can hike to the lake, which is demanding but satisfying.

Also, we reached the lake much earlier than tours from Huaraz and had time to take some awesome pics without crowds as we had the place for ourselves.

Cons | Unambiguous disadvantage of getting to Lake Paron independently is the transport. Until now, we don't know what time the colectivo goes back from Pueblo Paron to Caraz.

Sometimes we even had a feeling that no one wants to tell us the correct information only to persuade us to take a taxi. In the end, we managed to get back, and if we had a chance to visit the place in the future, we would take the risk again.

Most travelers take a tour to get to Laguna Paron.


If you stay in Huaraz, visiting Laguna Paron with a tour is probably your best bet as it makes sense financially and time-wise.

From Huaraz, it takes about three hours to reach the lagoon, and the public transport to Laguna Paron is not reliable at the moment because it is not that heavily visited.

Tours start early in the morning (around 5 AM and then at 8 AM), and the bus will take you directly to the lake. It means the only hiking you can do is a short walk on the lake's shore or climb to the viewpoint.

The cost of the tour varies from S/60 - S/80 without the entrance fee.

You can book Laguna Paron day-tour in advance here. Visiting Laguna Paron from Huaraz is a long day, be prepared to spend eight to ten hours on the road.

It is also possible to take a tour of Lake Paron from Caraz - you will save at least two hours because the village is closer to the lake.

Pros | The advantage of taking a tour is that you don't need to worry about transportation to and from the lake. Also, the price of the tour is reasonable because you share the cost with more people.

Cons | What we see as a downside when traveling to Lake Paron with a tour is that you spend a long time on a bus without the hiking option.

You will arrive at the same time as other minivans so you can't enjoy the place by yourself, and you will also get to Laguna Paron around midday while the clearest views are in the morning (it, of course, depends on the weather and season).

But as we've already mentioned: if you decided to stay in Huaraz and visit the place from here, it is how it is, and there are not many things you could do differently.

Our Tip | If you want to take a tour (does not matter if from Huaraz or Caraz) because of the transport, but on the other hand also want to hike to the lake, you have no other option than to arrange a private driver or ask around.

Just note that many tour agents by hiking tour mean the hike from the lake's shore to the viewpoint, so if you really want to do the 10 kilometers walk, say it explicitly and make sure you are on the same page.

Getting to Laguna Paron is easy with a tour from Huaraz but time-consuming.


By now, you already know that when you put aside the long drive, Laguna Paron is easily accessible, and it is up to you if you want to reach the lake's shores on foot or by car.


Laguna Paron is easily accessible by car. It is a perfect destination for those who don't want to undergo the three-hour-long climb or simply for those who don't have enough time to do it.

On the other hand, the road is winding and in terrible condition, and the driver must drive really slow. The parking lot is close to the lake's shore, so you can enjoy excellent views right after you get off the car.


Honestly, we were writing this travel guide with one idea in mind. To inspire you to hike to Laguna Paron as we found this activity really worthwhile. There are two hiking trails to the lake.

One follows a dirt road for cars and is longer, while the other one uses shortcuts and leads mostly through the forest, and only from time to time, you must cross the road to reach another forested section.

We chose the latter trail, which was 10 kilometers long one way. You will gain 900 meters, and the hike takes 3 hours up and less than 2 hours to get down.

Add another 45 minutes if you would like to climb from the lake's shore to the Mirador.

In general, the trail was well-marked, and we enjoyed the views that were gradually opening before our eyes. We even think we appreciated Laguna Paron's beauty mostly because of the hike because it really feels different to get there on your own than to get the experience without almost no effort.

Hiking Laguna Paron is also one of the best ways to escape the crowds and bus tours. We had the entire trail for ourselves.

Laguna Paron is a high altitude hike near Huaraz.


There's not much to do once you get to Laguna Paron except for enjoying stunning views and relaxing near the lake.

If you traveled on tour, your guide would outline all the options, but he will also give you a time frame when you need to get back.

When traveling independently, you have as much time as you want, but always think public transport in the mountains does not run later in the afternoon.

Here are a few activities you can do in Laguna Paron if you still have some energy left.


You can walk along the lake's shore for some time, but it is not possible (or not advisable) to encircle the lake as the trail on the left side of the lake suddenly disappears. A few people died here a couple of years ago, so be careful.


To get even more spectacular views, you can climb to the viewpoint called Mirador. The path is clear and easy; only the last section requires crossing a section with large boulders.

This side hike takes about 45 minutes roundtrip plus about an hour (or more) to drink in the views and to have a snack at the top.

In our opinion, reaching the Mirador is the main reason to put Laguna Paron on your itinerary because the views are incredible, so make sure you do not miss it.

We've already pointed out that Laguna Paron is at 4200 meters above sea level - the viewpoint will take you as high as 4500 meters.


If you need more time to enjoy the scenery or prefer to have a backcountry experience, you can camp for free near Lake Paron or spend a night in a basic Refugio (shelter) for S/10 per person.

Make sure you are acclimated before spending a night at high altitude, especially if you’ve just arrived from Lima to Huaraz.


Although Lake Paron is not by no means a popular tourist destination such as Lake Louise or Moraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies, one thing cannot be missing - kayaks for rent. And unlike kayaking in Canada, you can actually afford it!

It is possible to rent a kayak for S/20. Before you decide on this activity, consider your strength and weather conditions - it is not that easy to paddle when the cold wind blows against you.

Travel Insurance

We never leave home without travel insurance that was designed to cover our expenses if something goes wrong during the trip.

Travel insurance protects against theft, flight delays, injury, illness, cancellations, and much more.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers to cover their trip essentials, including sports and adventure activities.

SafetyWing is affordable travel insurance for backpackers, long-term travelers, and digital nomads.

Make sure your travel insurance also covers high altitude hiking.

Travel smarter and safer!

We hiked to Laguna Paron independently.


Huaraz offers a large number of accommodation options, so we've handpicked three of the most favorite hostels and hotels among travelers. Always make sure your hotel is close to the city center.

Huaraz is a large city, and it is essential always to be close to bus stations, especially if you want to explore the area more thoroughly.

Budget | Selina Huaraz - This colorful hostel offers everything a traveler needs for a very reasonable price. Rooms are small but well-kept, and the property provides free wifi and a terrace to hang out.

Mid-range | La Casa de Zarela - Rooms in this hostel are spacious, clean, and comfortable. The staff is friendly and welcoming, great breakfast is included, and the restaurant serves Thai food. It is one of the most popular hostels in Huaraz.

Luxury | The Lazy Dog Inn a Mountain Lodge - If you like Finnish sauna, great food, romantic fireplace, and quiet location, this lodge is perfect for you.


In general, you can count on two seasons in the Cordillera Blanca. The most popular time to visit this place is in the winter between May and the beginning of October.

This time of the year is a bit colder, but it is also a dry season, so that you can expect clear skies and sunny days. Another thing you must expect is the larger number of travelers, though.

The wet season lasts from the end of October till April - temperatures are higher, although it is often cold above 4000 meters, and the chances are that it is going to rain.

We traveled to Peru in November, and the weather in the mountains usually followed a very similar scenario - it was considerably pleasant weather in the morning, then the clouds started to build up, and then it rained later in the afternoon.

Of course, conditions in the mountains change fast, so it is always better to be well-prepared for every possibility. Even the rainy season brings several rainless days and vice versa.

Start hiking Laguna Paron early in the morning.


No matter if you decide to hike or get to Laguna Paron by car, the packing list should be very similar. The conditions above 4000 meters can be harsh, so pack layers to keep yourself warm.

Of course, check out the weather forecast, and be ready for every type of weather. You are in the Andes after all.

Here's what we recommend packing for Laguna Paron.

A comfortable daypack with a waist strap will make your hike easier. But you will need a daypack even if you opted for a tour.

Hiking in the mountains requires high-quality gear, and a tried and tested rain jacket is a must.

When it rains a lot, we still think that no one ever made up anything better than good old rain poncho, and we always keep it in the day pack.

You should put on sunscreen because the sun high in the altitude is unmerciful even when it's cloudy. We recommend you to have a good quality sunscreen with high protection (we use SPF 50).

Do not forget a snack and water bottle to avoid dehydration.

Last but not least, we believe you wanted to visit Lake Paron because of the perfect photo opportunities in the first place. This lightweight and compact travel camera will help you capture all the beauty.

Weather in the Huascaran National Park is unpredictable.


The facilities around Lake Paron are pretty basic. There is only a small shelter with a toilet and benches where you can eat your snack.

Locals sometimes sell some food and drinks near the lake, but it is not 100% guaranteed, better to take lunch with you.

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation: When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld.

Tours: Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator.

Rental Cars: When going on a road trip, we always use, a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets: When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance: World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.

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