Best Things to Do in Pokhara, Nepal

There are plenty of fun things to do in Pokhara.

What are the best things to do in Pokhara, Nepal? The very nature of the top activities is closely connected to the beautiful mountainous surroundings. Our travel guide includes tips on things to see and do in Pokhara, together with practical information on where to stay, how to get, and how to get around.

Pokhara, Nepal's second-largest city, is way different than Kathmandu, the capital city of this landlocked country. Sure, it is fifty percent smaller, but we had a feeling that travelers arrive in Pokhara in a different state of mind.

Kathmandu is busy, it is the first place where people usually land after a long flight, and everything is rushed. Get the visas on arrival, obtain trekking permits, stock on food, see the top attractions in a hurry, and set off.

Pokhara is the complete opposite.

Located on the banks of the iconic Phewa Lake, surrounded by snow-capped Annapurna Range, this city has so much to offer. It is possible to start here many adventures, but we ended our two-week Annapurna Circuit Trek in Pokhara.

It's been amazing fifteen days on the road, wandering from one teahouse to another, accompanied by incredible mountain scenery, but we must admit that crossing Thorong La took our last strength, and when we arrived in Pokhara, we couldn't but think only about warm tea, hearty meals, and comfy bed. And maybe a beer or two.

At first, we thought that Pokhara would be only a short stop on our itinerary where we recover, but in the end, we spent there three very active days.

Simply put, Pokhara is a captivating destination. Not only are there plenty of best things to see and do that won't simply let you stay in bed, but the atmosphere is very uplifting.

Pokhara is full of same-minded people who either prepare for their big trip to the Himalayas or travelers who just came back.

Exhausted, but incredibly happy and grateful. But even those who do not plan on trekking will find here many alternatives for how to enjoy the day.

From watching the sunset over Phewa Lake, eating your way around, to visiting sacred caves and viewpoints, or simply enjoying the vibrating atmosphere, Pokhara has a lot to offer. 

In this travel guide, we share tips on the best things to do in Pokhara, activities we consider highlights of our trip.

As usual, we want to make sure that your trip will be as smooth as possible, so we've included tips on how to get to Pokhara from Kathmandu or where to stay.

We cannot wait to inspire you to visit one of our favorite places in Nepal!


The truth is that Pokhara is set in such a wonderful location that only simple being there and breathing the fresh air could actually be considered as an activity on its own, no matter how unexciting it sounds.

Our favorite thing to do was stroll around Phewa Lake, taking photos of colorful boats on the water surface, and later in the evening, we were looking forward to exploring Pokhara's food scene.

By the way, Nepal is one of our favorite countries because of its mountains and cuisine. The fusion of Indian and Tibetan cuisine was something we really enjoyed - you can get inspired by our favorite meals to try in Nepal. But back to the point.

If you have only one day to spend in Pokhara, stick to the lakeside. But if your itinerary is flexible, consider exploring the countryside; the list of things to do in Pokhara is endless.

How your visit to Pokhara will be also depend on your travel budget and travel style.

It is possible to get around independently and enjoy the city's top attractions on a budget.

Still, the number of adrenaline activities available can also force you to dig deeper into your pockets. Feel free to get inspired by this list of things to do in Pokhara and plan your Pokhara itinerary accordingly.


Pokhara, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, is an important place on Nepal itinerary for many travelers because it is either a starting or ending point of one of the most popular multi-day treks in the country, Annapurna Circuit.

That's why many people walking around wear outdoor clothes; there are well-stocked sports shops and travel agencies that offer a wide range of services.

For us was hiking Annapurna Circuit the main reason for the trip to Nepal, but to be honest, it made more sense for us to start the trek in Besisahar, and we were glad we finished the loop in Pokhara.

In our opinion, for many reasons, it makes more sense to begin in Besisahar and make your way through an incredibly diverse landscape to the Thorong La at 5416 meters.

First of all, you'll be able to watch the gradual change from the sub-tropical zone to alpine scenery, but this direction is also better for acclimatization.

Last but not least, finishing the hike in such a laidback city that has everything a tired traveler needs was a good choice.

Pokhara proved to be a perfect place to restore energy and simultaneously ignite our wanderlust again. Although we think it is better to finish Annapurna Circuit in Pokhara, another trek, Annapurna Base Camp, actually traditionally starts here.

Pokhara is a popular starting point for Annapurna Circuit.


One of the favorite activities in Pokhara is another multi-day trek, called Poon Hill hike. This trek has been recently gaining popularity for many reasons.

First of all, it takes two to four days, which is a reasonable amount of time. We get it that not everyone wants to spend in the mountains for two weeks. On the other hand, the Poon Hill hike surely does not have a shortage of adventure and wonderful views.

The trail will take you from lowland to some of the best viewpoints in the area. Poon Hill hike is about 40 kilometers long, and the highest point of the trip is the Poon Hill itself at 3131 meters.

As you can see, one of the advantages also is that this point is not that high, and every averagely fit traveler should be able to finish it.

Poon Hill trek starts in Nayapul village, about two hours drive from Pokhara, and ends in Ghandruk.

Although it is completely fine to enjoy this trek independently, most travelers take Poon Hill Trek Tour as it includes transport, guide, accommodation, and food. This alternative is best for travelers pressed for time or those without any multi-day hike experience.


We found a nice room near Phewa Lake, the second largest lake in Nepal, and went to watch the sunset over the lake every single evening. The walk by the lakeside is a must. It is both relaxing and very photogenic.

Actually, we think you will hardly find a more iconic Pokhara photo than the one featuring Phewa Lake.

But walking around the lake during the sunrise or sunset is not the only thing you can do here. The water surface surrounded by the hills is worth visiting any time of the day.

You can rent a boat (the cost for a one hour rent is around 500 NPR), take a short trip to a small island sitting on the lake with a Tal Barahi Temple, or enjoy the sight of the sun setting behind the hills with colorful boats serenely floating on the lake.

In April, the haze was dense and thick in Nepal's lower elevations, so we couldn't see the Annapurnas in the background reflecting in the calm water surface, but this fact did not ruin the serenity of the place, rather the opposite as we could let our imagination run wild.

And as we returned from the mountains only a few days ago, we still knew very well how the towering peaks are incredible.

Phewa Lake is a perfect place for watching sunsets.


Pokhara is surrounded by many mountains, but not all of them are so easily accessible such as Sarangkot Viewpoint and not all of them offer such a wonderful view.

Sarangkot Viewpoint is the most famous sunrise spot in Pokhara, and although it is necessary to get up early to get the most desirable travel experience, we think you will forget about it once the first sun rays of the day enlighten the tops of snow-covered mountains, such as Dhaulagiri, the seventh highest mountain in the world, Annapurna II, or Lamjung.

Thanks to the popularity of this viewpoint, the top is dotted with teahouses, so you can watch the incredible show in relative comfort.

It is possible to walk to Sarangkot from Pokhara, but it is 10 kilometers one-way, so it means you would have to start in the wee hours of the morning to make it on time.

That's why it is more common to either rent a scooter (you have to arrange the rental the day before if you want to make it for sunrise), hire a cab (the price range is really wide depending on your bargaining skills, be prepared to pay between 500 - 2000 NPR).

Or take a Sarangkot Sunrise Tour.

Of course, we recommend you to check the weather forecast in advance to avoid disappointment. It is surely possible to travel to the viewpoint at any time of the day, but sunrise is the most magical time.

If you like to spice up your travels a bit, check out this very popular activity, paragliding from Sarangkot Viewpoint.


Pokhara is a base for trekkers and everyone visiting Annapurnas, and due to this fact, it offers countless options where to eat. People who are about to set off need a full belly and travelers who just spent several days in the mountains require to be a little bit spoiled by the choice.

We discovered a great Indian restaurant close to our hotel in the quiet alley and became regular customers in those few days we spent in Pokhara. This place was opened only during lunch hours, though, so we had to find another place where to go for dinner.

Luckily, that was an easy task and one of the beauties of this city. Wherever you go, you will always find a new place to eat, either in a noisy tourist restaurant or crowded eatery where it will be only you and locals.

We usually prefer local eateries, but the truth is Pokhara is the place where you can taste international cuisine without worrying it would be weird.

In Pokhara, there's also a wide selection of coffee houses, bars, and shops with fresh fruits.

Pokhara is home to many amazing Nepali restaurants.


You've probably already noticed that there's no shortage of things to do in Pokhara. It is not even possible to mention every single viewpoint, as this post could go this way on and on.

On the other hand, we feel there's one more sunrise spot (or spot worthwhile to visit any time of the day), a place known as World Peace Pagoda or Shanti Stupa.

The white religious building on the top of Anadu Hill is unmissable, but the experience is much better when you get closer to it.

World Peace Pagoda got its name because of the purpose of this structure - it was built in 1973 by Japanese monks who gave this structure to the people of Nepal as a symbol of peace.

To get to Shanti Stupa, you have several options.

The most budget-friendly option is to walk. From the center of Pokhara, it will take you about 90 minutes to get to the top of the hill. If you want to see the sunrise, plan accordingly, but we do not recommend this route to solo travelers because of safety concerns.

Another alternative is to hire a cab or scooter, that will take you almost to the top.

In our opinion, the most magical possibility to reach the pagoda is by boat tour combined with hiking. Once you get to the top, you can expect amazing views of Phewa Lake, the city beneath, and the Annapurna Range. This visit to this site is free of charge, but donations are appreciated.


On the second day of our time in Pokhara, we took a lazy stroll around the lake, we walked across the park and behind the dam, which regulates the volume of water, we found lots of women doing their laundry in the river - we love such authentic examples of the everyday life in a new destination.

We continued quite a long time in hot and hazy weather across small rice fields to the entrance of the underground cave.

We read that Pokhara is surrounded by cave systems, but as it is not possible to see everything in a short amount of time, we decided to visit only Gupteswar Gupha Cave.

When we were getting closer to the site, the traffic in this area got funny because the drivers had to avoid cows walking or lying in the middle of the road - it was Nepal's rural life at its best.

Gupteswar Gupha Cave is a sacred Hindu place, with a secret waterfall at the end of the cave, but we found more interesting the sculptures above the ground and entertainment from locals singing their songs.

The stairs leading to the bottom of the cave can be very slippery, so walk carefully, especially if you have only flip-flops. The entrance fee is 100 NPR.

There is a hidden waterfall at Gupteswar Gupha Cave.


Just opposite the cave is the entrance to Davi's Falls situated in a city park.

From the viewing platform, you can observe the cascade disappearing into Gupteswar Gupha Cave.

The falls are far more impressive during monsoon season, but if you are in the area, we see no reason why not to include this sight in your sightseeing itinerary.

Both the entrance to the falls and cave are surrounded by souvenir shops, so check it out if you're looking for something to bring home.


If you love nature and looking for more activities outside Pokhara, we have a great tip. Visit Bejnas Lake.

This place is a bit off the beaten path as this lake is unsurprisingly overshadowed by Phewa Tal that is right in the center of all tourist activities in Pokhara.

Still, if you do not mind a bumpy drive by cab or bus, a thirty to one-hour long ride will take you to another gem of Pokhara's region. You can walk around, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, take some awesome photos, or take a boat ride.


It does not matter where around the world you come from. We think the combination of high mountains, lush vegetation, speed rivers, and lakes always means only one thing. The abundance of adventure activities.

You can be a hard-bitten adrenaline junkie or a complete newbie, but we are sure there's an activity in Pokhara tailor-made for you.

Some of the most popular activities are Annapurna BC helicopter flight, rafting on river Seti, zip-lining on one of the longest zip-lines in the world, hot-air balloon flight, or already mentioned paragliding.

From the very nature of these activities, it is quite obvious it is necessary to book a tour with a knowledgeable guide, so these things to do are not exactly budget-friendly.

On the other hand, the location is out of this world, and where else should you try it than here, in Pokhara.

Travel Insurance

We never leave home without travel insurance that was designed to cover our expenses if something goes wrong during the trip.

Travel insurance protects against theft, flight delays, injury, illness, cancellations, and much more.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers to cover their trip essentials, including sports and adventure activities.

SafetyWing is affordable travel insurance for backpackers, long-term travelers, and digital nomads.

Travel smarter and safer!

Pokhara is famous for its adrenaline activities.


With so many tired hikers in the city, it does not come as a surprise that one of the most popular activities is simply relaxing.

That's right. You don't need to plan two activities in the morning and two in the afternoon, just take it easy, Pokhara is a perfect place where you can relax and just be.

In case you want to take it easy but still prefer your itinerary busy, consider a yoga class or massage. We were actually quite surprised that Pokhara is a renowned yoga retreat.

We always imagined practicing yoga in much warmer destinations than in a city only a stone's throw away from the Himalayas, but the truth is that you will hardly find a better place that has more energy and a spiritual connection to our environment.


Although Pokhara is located at a lower altitude, very similar weather conditions apply to it as for the Annapurna Circuit - you can read our post on Best Time to Trek the Annapurna Circuit in this post.

In general, the best time to visit Pokhara is either in autumn (September to November) or spring (March to May). Autumn offers perfect conditions. The visibility the same as the temperature is great, and it rarely rains.

We were in Pokhara in April, and although it did not rain and the temperature was just right (it was maybe too hot), the views were a bit obscured because of the strong haze.

The haze is fine when you trek in the mountains as it disappears once you get to a certain elevation (around 2500 meters), but it did not go away here in Pokhara.

Summer is a monsoon season, which brings torrential rains, and winter is usually about low temperatures and snowfall, but the key to success is to arrive well-equipped.


The Pokhara packing list depends on your plans. If you plan on visiting cities in Nepal, you'll be fine with outdoor trousers or even jeans, a fleece jacket, down jacket, and a sarong that can protect you from annoying dust.

You should have a quality daypack for exploring the city, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

We also never travel without our reusable water bottle , especially to countries such as Nepal, where the tap water is not drinkable to reduce our plastic footprint.

You can go even further and pruchase a SteriPen.

If your main purpose to travel to Nepal is hiking, read our detailed Annapurna Circuit packing list that will help you decide what to bring and what to leave behind.


Pokhara serves as a base for keen trekkers from all over the world who want to start or end their incredible adventure around Annapurnas.

For us, Pokhara quickly became a special place when we returned after 14 days of trekking from the famous Annapurna Circuit. What we found in the city was not only a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, fantastic attractions, and amazing food but also excellent hotel choices.

If you are traveling on a tight budget, you can still find a bed for as low as 5 USD, but we would recommend you to splurge a bit and pay a little bit extra.

You won't complete one of the most beautiful (and for us challenging) treks around the Himalayas every day.

Here's the list of the best hotels in Pokhara for every type of traveler.

Budget | Hotel Middle Path & Spa - Bright air-conditioned rooms, great choices for breakfast, and amazing views from the roof terrace. One of the best values for money in Pokhara.

Mid-range | Hotel Haven O' Ganga - The rooms in this hotel are spacious and clean, the staff is professional and friendly and a great breakfast is included.

Luxury | Himalayan Front Hotel - If you want to treat yourself after a long and exhausting Annapurna Trek, this place is perfect for you. You can watch the sunrise with views of snow-capped Annapurnas from the room, beds are extremely comfortable and the staff helpful.


There are several options on how to get from Pokhara to Kathmandu or vice versa thanks to the fact Pokhara is one of the top tourist destinations in the country.

Although the distance between Nepal's two biggest cities is only 200 kilometers, you can expect a long ride because of the road that is very curvy and also often under reconstruction.

If you plan on taking public transport, you'll spend on the road for at least eight hours.

You can consider for the trip local jeep, local public bus, but we think that the best quality-price ratio has the Pokhara to Kathmandu Tourist Bus that runs this stretch of the road frequently.

If you do not want to spend the entire day on a bus, you can search for flight tickets as Pokhara is connected with Katmandu by a less than thirty minutes long flight and the price is quite reasonable.

Public transport in Nepal is cheap but slow.

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation: When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld.

Tours: Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator.

Rental Cars: When going on a road trip, we always use, a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets: When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance: World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.

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