How to Choose a Travel Destination

A comprehensive guide on how to choose a travel destination.

Choosing a travel destination can be quite challenging. If you can't decide where to travel to next and need a little bit of help, you've come to the right place. Where should I travel next is one of the most frequent questions we ask ourselves too, and we hope this blog post will guide you to find your next dream holiday destination.

Where should you travel? How to choose the right travel destination for you? What to do when you cannot decide where to travel next?

In this blog post, we aim to help you choose your next travel destination.

There are way too many countries in the world, and it is not that easy to narrow down the selection.

You want to travel. That's settled. But we think that closing your eyes and putting your finger on a map is just not the right way how to figure out where to travel.


Of course, all of us have a dream destination in mind, but it is often necessary to factor in things such as money, safety, time of the year, but also your subjective preferences.

It is simply not possible to go everywhere. Well, some people have done it, but if you are not on the quest to visit all 195 countries, you will have to decide every time you feel like traveling internationally, where to go.

As one of the modern trends is a slow travel, which means you should spend longer in one country, try to capture all its colors and tastes, soak up the atmosphere and get to know the locals, you need to choose really thoughtfully your next destination.

Of course, you still can jump from one place to another, but unless you have unlimited time for traveling, we would really rather go through your options more carefully.

Even though we know you would prefer to skip this planning part and set off, it is necessary to go through this process.

Some people know their several future destinations by heart (looking at you Israel and Mongolia), but you are at the moment probably in the other group of people, who simply cannot choose the travel destination that easily. That's fine.

We are here to help you to break down the process, and one by one we will eliminate places until you will be left with only a few choices. Among them will be the winner for your next vacation.

Nowadays, traveling is a lot about inspiration. It is hard to escape posters in the subway, inspiring photos on Instagram, or travel stories of your friends.

Although it is great to be inspired from time to time, you should never travel to a place only because it’s trending right now.

That would be a huge mistake.

When we tell you that Torres Del Paine is the most beautiful place in the world you must visit next year, it's only our opinion, which is highly subjective.

Therefore, you must find a destination that fits your interests, where you can do your favorite activities, and where you can learn something new.

In this blog post, we will focus on things you should consider before choosing the right travel destination for you, and we will also uncover steps we take before traveling to a new country ourselves.

Choosing the right travel destination is very important.


Before you start evaluating all the pros and cons of your next travel destination, you should stop for a minute, and think about your current situation. First, ask yourself why do you want to travel.

Is it only because you can take two-weeks off at work, so the destination, in the end, does not matter that much (in that case check out for the cheapest deals)?

Do you feel tired? Are you burnt out, and are you looking for adrenaline adventures to recharge your batteries?

Do you want to break the routine and experience something unusual you've never done before? Are you sitting all day in an office, and you simply need to get to nature?

You would not believe how your current situation and your mindset influence what destination you are going to choose.

Sit down for a moment, and think of your motivation why do you want to travel.

Only this internal research will narrow down the list. Was your year at work hard, do you have many overtime hours, and you feel simply exhausted?

Then you might be looking for a seaside destination.

That does not mean that you must be lazing on a beach all day long.

Destinations like Phuket or Florianopolis are great places for people who want to relax, but also for adventure travelers who prefer to be active during the day and then wait for sunset with a cold drink in hand.

Do you want to get out of the city?

Then do not plan a city break in New York (even though it is an amazing destination), and travel this time to national parks such as Yellowstone National Park.

You can visit New York next year.

Decide about your next destination at the very moment. It does not matter that this year is popular Malaysia or New Zealand.

It is fine that last year you had dreamed about visiting Patagonia, but this year the idea of hiking in cold and windy weather does not excite you.

Every year is different, and the destination of your choice should reflect not only your long-term dreams and passions but also your actual mood.

You need to ask yourself what type of traveler are you when choosing travel destinations.


When you think about it, we believe you will find certain trends in the destinations you had been choosing in the past. That should tell you what type of traveler you are.

If you are about to set off for the first international trip, no worries, it will not be that hard to find out what you might enjoy.

Do you prefer bustling cities over looking for peace in the mountains?

Can you imagine traveling every day from one place to another, or do you prefer when you can stay in a destination longer to get to know it better?

What about comfort? Can you imagine spending several hours on a bus to Chachapoyas, or your dreamed vacation is in a resort by the sea in Tulum?

Can you imagine staying in a remote village somewhere between Banaue and Batad without the usual service and large shopping centers?

Remember, no answer is wrong, and you should always follow your feelings.

Traveling is not a competition.

On the other hand, when you find and inspiring destination, but it is not anything similar you've done before, do not refuse it straight away, and give a chance to an idea you could try something new.

Once you realize what type of traveler are you, what do you imagine under the word travel or perfect vacation, it will help you to reduce the list of travel destinations a bit more.


When choosing a travel destination, it is hard to avoid talking about money. We know it is the boring part, but it will help you to separate the wheat from the chaff.

We know it sucks when your eyes were caught by photos of Mauritius and later you realize it is simply too expensive, but it can motivate you to save money for travel next year, right?

If you want to travel abroad, you must be honest with you.

Traveling costs money.

From magazines, travel bloggers, and other platforms, you might get the idea that traveling in the first class and sleeping in a fancy hotel is the only way to get around the globe.

But believe us, that's often not the reality.

If you've decided to explore new countries in a few months, you still have enough time to save money for traveling, but if this is a last-minute trip, you must be realistic and consider where the cash can you get.

An important question also is, not how much money you have, but how much money you are willing to spend on your travels.

There are so many budget-friendly destinations that make traveling affordable to almost everyone. At least to those willing to travel more frugally.

You don't necessarily need to spend 150 dollars on a room.

There is probably a budget hostel just around the corner that offers a bed for 10 bucks a night.

Is it going to be super comfortable? Not really. But that's not the point.

Strict budget is usually the reason why so many people choose as a travel destination a country in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, or the Philippines.

The region has so much to offer, plus you do not need to break the bank to travel there.

Of course, it again depends on your travel style. Sometimes, it's possible to travel on $50 a day.

Yes, you can easily travel in Southeast Asia for less than 1000 USD a month, but it is also possible to spend several hundreds of dollars per night while staying in a luxury hotel.

By the way, don't forget to read our guide on how to find cheap accommodation while traveling.

Our passion for traveling is pretty strong, and we are often able to sacrifice our comfort in order to enjoy the adventure and to get to places, so it is much easier for us to choose a destination because we can live quite cheaply even in not so cheap countries.

Have you been to Southeast Asia already?

Then we concluded that South America and countries such as Peru, Bolivia, or Colombia are nowadays super-popular too, not only because of the cultural and natural highlights but because they are not that expensive.

On the other hand, traveling in Europe or the USA is often seen as quite expensive, but we think with careful planning you can easily save money for your vacation here as well.

Also, in general, people traveling on a short vacation tend to spend more money, and long-term travelers live more frugally.

When you honestly write down on the paper how much money you have for traveling, then the list of the countries will shrink again, well, unless you are a millionaire.

Money and budget play a deciding factor in choosing travel destinations.


When you are choosing the future travel destination, it might be time to finally take a look at your bucket list.

We believe that every person, even a person who does not travel often, have at least a few countries where he or she can imagine traveling.

Even if it's been a long time since you put together this list in your mind, why not finally fulfill your dreams?

Well, on our bucket list is Antarctica and Hawaii, so we will put aside the list again, but it was worth the try, right?


From day trips to long term traveling, the length of the trip is one of the most important factors to consider when planning your next holiday.

How much time do you have will significantly narrow down the list of your future travel destinations.

If you have really only one or two weeks of your vacation, it is worth it to travel to a country that is compact, and where is possible to get around easily.

Or you must not mind to see only a region of the country.

Peru is quite a large country with many things to see and do, but even if you have only a short amount of time, you can spend whole your holiday let's say around Cusco which is an area rich in some of the country's top highlights.

Great places for a shorter holiday are for example Jordan, the Galapagos Islands, Panama, or even the Canadian Rockies.

If you plan on traveling long-term, choosing travel destinations, is of course much easier, because most likely you do not pick a single country but the whole region.

Certain destinations usually require longer time off, especially when it takes time to get there, and it for sure makes no sense to travel in New Zealand if you have only three days off.

In that case, a city getaway such as Vienna would be much smarter.


If you are traveling solo, then you can decide what will be your next destination according to your preferences. But if you travel with someone else, as a couple, as a family, or as a group of friends, you will have to make a compromise.

It is much harder to meet the needs of other people, and agree on a destination that will seem perfect for everyone. But it has advantages too.

When you brainstorm with other people, you might come up with new ideas, and with destinations, you would have never considered as your next place to travel.

When you travel as a couple, you should make sure that you are on the same page, and you say aloud what you expect from the upcoming journey.

It is not a good idea to push your opinion too hard if your significant other does not seem happy with your choice. Camping in Iceland is fun. Just make sure that you're on the same page.

If you travel with your family, you must factor in things like the age of your kids, and be realistic in considering what your children are capable of doing.

Depending on their age, biking in the Atacama Desert might be too much for them, but you can always rent a car and see it in a much more feasible way.

A group of friends should also make sure that all of them know what they want to do on their vacation.

If the main reason to travel is to party, everyone should agree that sightseeing won't be that important this time.

Choose your travel destination with your partner, family, or friends.


Not all countries can be visited all-year-round. And even countries that are fine to visit anytime usually experience several distinct seasons, some of them more suitable for traveling than others.

When planning your vacation, you should always keep the weather and the seasons in mind.

If you can take time off only in December, you should consider countries that are safe and comfortable to visit during this time.

Visiting European cities in winter is fine, but did you know that traditional Christmas markets take place, and cities like Prague or Dresden are crowded and prices skyrocket? If you already have your final destination in mind, that's fine.

You can wait for the best time to visit (it often is not the main season, but the shoulder season), but if you still do not know where to go, and the only thing you are certain about is the time of the year when you want to travel, then you need to select carefully the countries that will stay on the list.

Traveling in Patagonia in July, which is the winter season, might be simply too hard, not mentioning the fact that many facilities are closed during this time.


We believe you've traveled before. It did not have to be in a foreign country but your home country.

That means that by now you should at least vaguely know what is your travel style.

Do you love outdoors and adventure?

Then you can consider countries such as Costa Rica, Peru, where you can camp in the jungle, or New Zealand packed with adventure activities or where it is possible to get around by campervan.

If you know that traveling by public transport is nothing for you, then you might consider countries, that you can explore on own in your rental car.

Road trips are now super-popular as they are half comfortable and half adventurous.

On the other hand, if under the word travel you see staying in one place, relaxing, and doing yoga, you should not push your limits too far, and you might be looking for a destination such as Tulum in Mexico, or San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua.

Do you love traveling with a group of young people while having fun?

Then something like Contiki might be a good fit for you.

The main point is that the destination you are going to choose should match your travel style.

Choose your next travel destination by the activities and things you would like to do.


The more time for planning a destination requires, the fewer people are enthusiastic to visit it. We are now not talking about adventure travelers, but about regular travelers, who travel abroad once or twice a year.

There's nothing wrong with it.

How we choose a travel destination often depends on how much time of planning the trip requires, and how much hassle it is to travel to the country.

Factors like visas, infrastructure, bargaining, or language spoken in the country usually play an important role in the final decision.

Some people love the planning part and creating the perfect itinerary, while others want only to buy a flight ticket, pack, and do not worry about anything until the last day of their vacation.

You must decide what type of traveler you are, and whether planning and searching for information about a country is worth your time.

In case you hate planning, and you are allergic to obtaining visas and spending time on embassies, but you still want to visit a certain destination, you can pay a travel agency, who will arrange everything on your behalf, but you must be prepared to pay more for the service.


When you sign up for airline updates and set alerts, you will receive all the promotions in your email. Choosing travel destinations does not need to take long, and it does not need to be a painful process either.

When you sign up for newsletters from travel companies, you will get nonstop access to the best deals, and then you can decide where to travel next very quickly.

It might seem a bit shallow to pick a destination based on the price, but why not?

We truly think that every country or every destination has something to offer, and there is nothing wrong to buy a flight ticket to a city you've never heard about.

That's why promotions exist, to raise awareness of travel destinations, and what should attract travelers more than a cheap price?

Before you buy the super-cheap ticket, take a moment, and have a look at what is the final airport, how to get from the airport to the city center, and how much things in general cost in the foreign country.

We live in Prague, and we can often find great deals for example to London, but then getting from London's airport often costs more than the flight ticket itself.


If tips we have mentioned above still did not work, and even now you have not clue where your next steps will lead, go online.

There are so many apps and websites where you can get inspired.

A wonderful photo can indeed sell the destination, and if you are a person who can visualize things, use one of the platforms that inspire millions of people every day.

Check out Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook, read travel blogs, we believe that after an hour or so you will find plenty of inspiration.

You can check out our post on 12 favorite countries we've visited so far, where you can find our all-time favorite places.

And don’t forget to check out our social media down below to get even more inspired!

Beautiful photos might convince you to choose a travel destination.


The thing about traveling and safety is that it's quite often about luck. And sometimes about being at the wrong time at the wrong place.

Said that, some countries are indeed considered safer than others, and when choosing your final destination, you should for sure think about this factor as well.

If you want to take as low risk possible, you can cross off the list about half of the countries, which will help you to narrow down the selection.

But when doing that, make sure you read the relevant information and do not be scared off that easily.

If we took seriously all the information online, we could not travel at least half of the countries.

Like when we visited El Salvador, a small country in Central America with a pretty bad reputation among tourists. We did all the usual tourist stuff and never felt threatened.

When you find a destination interesting, read more information about the current situation, or join an online group discussing the topic.

Very often, when you use your common sense, and when you follow the usual safety rules, you should be fine.

Safety is for sure an important factor, especially when you travel with kids, so do not be lightheaded, but also keep your mind open.

Travel Insurance

We never leave home without travel insurance that was designed to cover our expenses if something goes wrong during the trip.

Travel insurance protects against theft, flight delays, injury, illness, cancellations, and much more.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers to cover their trip essentials, including sports and adventure activities.

SafetyWing is affordable travel insurance for backpackers, long-term travelers, and digital nomads.

Travel smarter and safer!


When we decided to travel to Nepal, our main purpose for this trip was to trek the Annapurna Circuit.

From the start, we knew, that it will take us about two to three weeks to finish the loop.

Even though Nepal offers so much more than just the mountains, we traveled there only for them.

Trekking around the Himalayas was always our dream, and the reality was even better.

And crossing the iconic Thorong La Pass after 14 days of trekking from a hot and humid tropical forest to snowy pass was just breathtaking.

But some travelers visit Nepal and never set a foot in the mountains.

They prefer other activities to do.

They come to Nepal to see the Hindu temples in Kathmandu, to taste local food, to try one of the adventure activities in Pokhara such as paragliding, or to see the Bengal tigers, elephants, or rhinos in Chitwan National Park, or enjoy a peaceful week in a luxurious yoga retreats.

As you can clearly see, this landlocked country famous for Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, offers an incredible range of things to do for all travelers.

Traveling is one of the ways to solely focus on the activities you love.

When you are into hiking, look for the mountainous countries.

If your passion is snorkeling and overall the underwater world, Philippines is an amazing place to explore.

Traveling should be natural, and when abroad, you should do what you enjoy the most.

This guide will help you to decide where to travel next.


When it comes to traveling, be spontaneous is one of the most cliche phrases you will hear.

Especially from travel bloggers. But there is some truth in these words.

Being spontaneous and getting out of the comfort zone allows you to see things in a completely different way. For us, this is also one of the main reasons why we travel the world.

The goal of this approach is to experience something new. Something you wouldn't otherwise have a chance to experience back home.


So when the excitement of traveling wore off, and you are looking only to escape your daily routine, try to think outside the box.

Why not to try something completely new?

Have you always spent your time in a foreign country in the hotel resort?

Why not, this time, focus on countries, where backpacking is easy and safe? We loved Vietnam, and visiting places such as Hoi An, Hue, Dalat or Mui Ne was incredibly easy.

What about an active trip full of hikes or adventures? In Peru, you can do Inca Trail or Salkantay Trek.

Or you can explore new city with a local instead just by yourself or with a guided tour.

You might find your new passion, and the reason why choosing the new travel destination will become your favorite (and frequent) stereotype.

This post about how to choose a travel destination was not intended to give you the only destination to travel to.

It would have not been easy, and to be honest, it would have been impossible.

We wanted to let you think what you like doing, say aloud what's your travel style, to see how you normally plan your holidays, and to figure out on your own, absolutely naturally, where to go.

So where will you travel next?

Let us know in the comment section!

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation: When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld.

Tours: Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator.

Rental Cars: When going on a road trip, we always use, a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets: When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance: World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.

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