Medellin, Colombia: Best Things to Do

Medellin is now a popular tourist place in Colombia.

Nowadays, Medellin, Colombia's second-largest city, offers plenty of things to do and see. Once the world's most murderous city is now transforming rapidly, and it’s a trendy place to live and travel. Our travel guide includes things to do in Medellin, safety tips, top attractions, best places to visit, where to stay, and how to get there.

Are you planning your trip to Medellin, Colombia? Then we guess there are many things you would like to know.

The bad reputation is slowly fading away, and Medellin has become 'the' destination, popular with digital nomads and travelers alike

Surely, it’s one of the best places to visit in Colombia as well.

What are the best things to do in Medellin, and what can you expect from this trip? Let's find out.

Medellin, once the murder capital of the world, gets the second breath and shows the world that the dark past is far behind, but is it?

Well, for sure, the city has been transforming for the better, and we can't (and don't want to) even imagine how it must have looked like during Pablo Escobar's domination over the city.

Although Medellin, thanks to its weather, prefers to be called the city of eternal spring, it is hard to edge out the drug cartels and violent past.

Moreover, even though no one wants to admit it, one of the reasons why Medellin is so popular among visitors is the notoriously dark past of the city, combined with the much brighter present.

It is simply very tempting, especially if you put that in perspective and realize, there is so much to see and do in the city, but it is also possible to base yourself here for a while and enjoy many day-trips.

This is why everyone includes the visit to Medellin to their Colombia itinerary.

Medellin is the second-largest city in Colombia.


Before we get back to the point, there are some things you should know about Medellin.

It is necessary to say, that locals living in Medellin try to avoid talking about the past connected with drugs.

They rather point out things such as industrial success, their pride - metro or cable car connecting the undeveloped suburbs with the city center, and all those small achievements help them to deal with the unhappy history.

Also, when we were on a walking tour around the city, and our guide had to mention some historical facts, he never said Pablo Escobar's name aloud, but he called him the infamous criminal.

The reason was simple.

As we were walking, locals very often stopped around and watched the group of gringos how they learn about their city.

As English is not widely spoken in Colombia probably the only word they would have understood was the name of the former drug lord, and our guide did not want to cause the impression that the tour is about drugs and glorifying this person.

Overall, narco-trafficking subjects are almost taboo in society, and the famous Netflix TV series Narcos is very unpopular among locals because they have a feeling that it doesn't depict the reality of Colombia at all.

By the way, if you want to learn more about this stunning country, check out his article 21 Things You Need to Know Before Visiting Colombia.

But to come to the point - is Medellin a city transformed?

To some extent, it made a huge step forward, and you can see that city representatives are working hard to create from Medellin a prosperous city where it is good to live.

They especially work hard on the aura of Medellin (successfully we have to say), so you have the feeling that this Colombia's city is the place to be.

So what exactly changed?

For example, most of the buildings and squares in the historical center with a bloody history were transformed into educational centers, libraries, or lively plazas.

Also, poor suburb, such as the most known one, Comuna 13, were integrated by the modern transport system, so inhabitants are not cut off anymore, and it is much easier for them to find a job or get an education.

On the other side, there are still places you shouldn't go on own, sometimes even during a day, although the rate of criminality and homicides has dropped.

For example, in the city center, our guide advised us to have all the time our backpacks in front so we can have control over our belongings.

You might say that this was only a precaution because a large group of white people attracts attention, but when you look around, you realize that locals do precisely the same.

This story and many other small details you can spot in the city will tell you that Medellin still needs some time to lift itself out of poverty and problems from the past.

However, the city is on the right path to transform into a modern city, and welcomes every international visitor.

In this travel guide, we want to share with you not only tips on the best things to do and must-visit places, but also tips on how to stay safe, how to get around, where to stay, or when is the best time for exploring Medellin.

Medellin is now welcoming tourists from all over the world.


Before you start exploring Medellin, your first question might be whether the city is safe.

The short answer would be yes, but you should still be aware of your surroundings all the time, same as in other larger cities around the world.

In a nutshell, we felt safe in Medellin, but we never walked into unknown areas after dark and made sure that our belongings are well-secured.

We also did not wander around the city aimlessly, but also tried to pay attention to where we go and how do we get there.

As we already had a bad experience from visiting Bogota where we were robbed on the crowded street, we knew it is important to be vigilant.

When you walk around crowded areas, it is recommended to either keep your backpack in the front or keep your valuables in pockets that are hard to access without noticing it.

The best advice we can give you is to keep your valuables in the hotel room, even though it is, obviously, not a safe.

Do not flash around an expensive phone or camera, that could attract unwanted attention.

The public transport is crowded so never leave your valuables in your backpack unattended.

We found the area around Parque de Berrio and Calle 51 sketchy even during the day.

Areas with the top attractions in the city are usually considered safe during the day.

Our Travel Tip: Basic rule of thumb, when you see locals carrying backpack or handbag on their belly, follow their lead.

On top of that, we also created a super useful article How To Stay Safe In South America that you should definitely check out!

Medellin is mostly safe for tourists.


Medellin isn't a classic tourist destination luring its visitors on exceptional architecture or excellent food (well, this is individual), but still, there is plenty to see and do, and you don't need to stay in Medellin for weeks to get the sense of the place.

It is good to know that the city offers a wide array of activities and top places, and we are pretty sure that every type of traveler will find here something interesting.

Here's a list of the best things to do in Medellin you should not miss, no matter how many days you have for this captivating city.


Before you start exploring the city on your own, take one of the popular free walking tours to get the best introduction.

In only a few hours guides will show you the most important buildings and places where the historical events took place.

We did the tour with well-rated Real City Tours, and it was a well-balanced mixture of historical information, cultural context, and sightseeing.

In about 4 hours, we walked from Alpujarra metro station (the meeting point) to the Alpujarra administrative center, then to Square of Lights, a place, which has transformed probably the most when it comes to architecture and security as well.

The Palacio National, nowadays, a large shopping mall, is a place where you can haggle, but all products are fake, which is good to know before you buy something. However, the building is impressive, especially the inner courtyard.

Medellin doesn't abound with beautiful churches and cathedrals, but at least two are notable: Veracruz Church and Metropolitan Cathedral.

As the most famous (still living) Colombian artist, Fernando Botero was born in Medellin, there is a square carrying his name right in the city center.

Botero's sculptures and pieces of art decorate the square. Botero himself donated everything you can see around from his collection for free, so the people of Medellin can enjoy it every day without having to go to the museum.

You might ask why you can find Botero's heavily damaged statue at San Antonio Park, which was the last stop on our itinerary?

It is a reminder of a terrible bomb attack on innocent people that happened in 1995 during a concert.

Right next to the old one, Botero himself placed a new one under one condition, that the old statue will not be removed and will remind this tragic event.

A walking tour is a great way to learn more about the city.


Riding a cable car is the best way how to appreciate the greatness of Medellin from above. Medellin stretches in the Aburra valley, and its suburbs climb up the slopes.

There are several cable cars integrated into the public transport system, so you can choose the cable car that is closest to you.

For us, the ride wasn't just about the views.

From above, we could observe the outskirt communities, and it always hit us to see how many people live in such poor conditions.

On the other hand, the situation would have been much worse without cable cars, because they are an efficient way how people from the suburbs can travel to the center to get to school or work.

It was not easy only a few years ago, and that was one of the reasons why the outskirts were neglected.

We used the cable car to get to Arvi Park (Santo Domingo - Parque Arvi), and one ride cost COP 10 000 per person per one way.

It was the perfect combination of enjoying the cable car ride and hiking trails in the near proximity to Medellin.

The cable car in Medellin is safe and reliable.


Arvi Park or Parque Arvi is a tranquil place high above Medellin where you can enjoy nature and relax from the city's bustle and pollutions, a place with trees and thick vegetation all around.

When we got off from the cable car, we were caught by surprise, because it seemed that we need to take a guided tour (in Spanish only) for COP 25 000.

Tours in English should be booked at least one week before your arrival.

When we asked a guy in the info center about the possibility to walk around on own, he showed us on the map only a short trail that led to a paved road.

Fortunately, we do not get discouraged that easily, and we found our way around.

The best way how not to get lost is to download the mobile app, where you can find trails in the forest. We walked a short trek called Flora Trail.

How do you get to the trailhead?

From the Arvi Park administrative building, walk down the road, and in a few minutes, you'll get to the crossroad with restaurants. Turn right and carry on for a while.

There will be another restaurant with a campground in the curve. Turn left, and on your right side, you'll see an unmarked entrance to the forest.

Now only follow the trail, and eventually, you'll see signs of Flora trail.

The path is very well signed and loops back to the main road.

It took us only about an hour, but you can explore more trails on your own here and spend in Arvi Park easily all day.

To get to Arvi Park, use the metro and get off at Acevedo Station.

Here switch lines - you must jump on the K-Line gondola on the same ticket. Get off at Santo Domingo station, buy another ticket and take the L-Line cable car to the Parque Arvi, the last station.

The metro ticket cost COP 2 650 per ride, cable car from Santo Domingo to Parque Arvi cost COP 10 000.

There are many trails in the park.


A relaxed place within the city, it is the Botanical Garden. With more than 4 500 flowers, the Garden focuses mostly on orchids collection.

As we've already mentioned, Medellin is called a city of eternal spring.

The pleasant weather together with showers throughout the year creates a perfect environment for flora.

There is no admission, so this botanical garden is sure one of the top tips on the best things to do in Medellin for budget-travelers.

Unfortunately, at the time of our visit, the garden was closed and preparing for the annual Orchids Exhibition, so we could only get a glimpse through a fence.

It is easy to visit, use the metro and get off at Universidad Station.


If you have time just for one museum, we can recommend this one.

Museo Casa de la Memoria is free and shows the memories of people whose relatives or close friends disappeared or were killed during Colombia's armed conflict and narco-trafficking war.

It's disturbing exhibitions, but the primary purpose is not to forget this terrible part of Colombia's history and make sure it won't ever happen again.

To get to Museo Casa de la Memoria, get off at the metro station Parque de Berrio.

Cross the square and take a shortcut through the street along the left side of the castle (this street is weird, you can find here stalls with people selling fruits and toiletries on one side and stalls with porn on the right side).

Cross the main road and carry on along Calle 52 for about 10 minutes.

This street will take you directly to the museum.

Medellin has some great museums.


We are against visiting places that revolve around the popularization of Pablo Escobar.

The whole idea of Escobar tourism is probably something we would not join not only because we would feel like voyagers of evil, but also because we know how local people feel about it.

On the other hand, Medellin is not only about the city center and poorer neighborhoods that were once in the middle of the drug war are definitely inseparable parts of the second-largest city in Colombia.

It is actually quite interesting to see, how those suburbs that were once in the middle of the drug war, have changed.

One of those places that opened their arms to tourism is the well-known Comuna 13.

In Comuna 13 you can see how the area has changed and how locals work hard to make from it a place where it is pleasant to live.

It is still highly recommended to hire a guide because of safety.

One of the most popular tours that combine personal stories, culture, and a bit of history, is this well-rated Comuna 13 Grafitti Tour.

The poor neighborhoods in Medellin have been transforming rapidly.


It is no secret that we were no fans of Columbian cuisine, actually of no cuisine in South America.

That's why we had no desire whatsoever to try Medellin's significant meal, Bandeja Paisa.

But we believe there are many travelers out there who will enjoy the combination of sausage or meat, rice, avocado, beans, arepa, and plantain.

Paisa people who live in the area are very proud of this food, so if you decide to order it, make sure you let them know how you liked it.

Almost every restaurant in the city serves bandeja paisa, so it is hard to avoid it.


El Poblado is a place where most of the visitors to Medellindecide to spend the night.

The area is lively, and it offers many restaurants, hotels, and coffee shops.

Even if you prefer traveling more locally and do not want to stay where the majority of travelers do, you might want to take a trip here only to enjoy the atmosphere.

As Medellin is very close to Zona Cafetera and towns such as Jardin or Salento, it won't be hard to find in this part of the city a coffee shop that serves a quality cup of this fine brown beverage.


Medellin is one of the top travel destinations in Colombia for many reasons.

One of them is an array of great one-day trips from the city.

If we should give you only one tip on what is worth your attention, it would be a trip to Guatape and Piedra del Penol.

Guatape is a picturesque colonial town only two hours' drive from Medellin that is popular with both foreign and international travelers.

All houses in Guatape are decorated with ‘zocalos’.

If you want to know what that is, we can only encourage you to take a trip to Guatape.

Yes, it is a bit touristy, but you can easily escape crowds with a camera in hand.

Only 10 minutes before you reach Guatape is another famous site La Piedra del Peñol.

The impressive monolith overlooks a flooded dam that created Guatape Reservoir, which is the best appreciated from above.

If time allows, Guatape and Piedra del Peñol are a worth your time.

We've visited both places independently, but you can also take this well-rated Guatape, Piedra del Peñol and Boat Tour from Medellin.

Guatape is an only hour and a half drive from Medellin.


Getting around Medellin is super-easy, it is actually one of the few cities in Latin America where we enjoyed using public transport within the city.

Medellin citizens are very proud of their metro system, and it is really something to be proud of.

It is the only metro in the whole country, and to make sure everything is in order you'll find two police officers on each platform in every station (plus many more employees of Metro Medellin).

Also, this is probably the cleanest place in Colombia.

We stayed in the El Poblado area, and from here, it was easy to commute everywhere, we did not have to use any other way of transportation.

Each ride cost COP 2 650.

The funny thing is that to buy a ticket, you must every time wait in the line, at the busiest times sometimes up to 10 minutes.

If we should give you only one tip for visiting Medellin, make sure your accommodation is near the metro station, exploring the city will be then much easier.

Cable cars connect suburbs spread on the hills of Medellin, and even though you need an extra ticket for some of them, it is an experience worth investing in.

Travel Insurance

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Travel smarter and safer!

Metro in Medellin is clean and safe.


There is no shortage of accommodation in Medellin.

The majority of travelers stay in the El Poblado area.It is a neighborhood close to the center with the nearby metro station and the area is in general safe.

Also, there are a lot of places where to eat, have fun or do shopping.

On the other hand, if you want to stay in more authentic barrios, you can check accommodation in neighborhoods such as Laureles, Belen, or Envigado.

El Centro is an area with plenty of hostels, but the quality is often not the best, so make sure you read reviews carefully.

The center is also a place where it is not recommended to wander around after dark.

El Poblado | 574 Hotel - This charming hotel offers modern design, perfect location in the lively area, within walking distance to the metro station. Great reviews only confirm the exceptionality of the service.

Laureles | Hotel Medellin Gold - Air-conditioned rooms, newly refurbished hotel, and friendly staff that works 24/7 are the main reasons to stay here.

Belen | Hotel Zona Verde - This hotel features amazing views of the greenery, so it is a place to relax and enjoy free time.

Envigado | Arame Hotel - This 4* property boasts spacious and comfortable rooms, it is close to everything a traveler might need. This area is recommended for families with kids or travelers looking for a quieter place to stay.

El Centro | Medallo Social Hostal - El Centro is known for cheaper hostels, but the problem is they often have bad reviews. This hostel is the exception, so if you are looking for a clean place where you can also socialize with other travelers, this is the place to stay.


Medellin is a large city, so there's an airport for those who need to move around the country quickly.

To be precise, there are two airports.

The one in the city that serves domestic flights, and the other one some 35 kilometers away.

If you want to get from the airport to the hotel quickly and without any hassle, you can reserve a Medellin Airport transfer service.

Bus connections from Medellin to other destinations in Colombia are frequent.

You just need to take into account that Colombia is a large country where it offers pays off to travel at night depending on your next destination.

We took a night bus from Cartagena de Indias to Medellin with the company Expreso Brasilia.

The ride was long, almost 15 hours, but we could sleep quite comfortably on the bus although the last fifty or so kilometers were pretty rough because of winding roads.

The price is COP 114 500 per person.

After Medellin, we traveled by day bus to Jardin, which was a welcome stop before reaching Zona Cafetera, which became our base for the next several days.


Medellin is called the City of Eternal Spring for a reason.

Climate is consistent throughout the year, but thanks to the higher altitude, it might be a little bit colder than you would think for a city close to the equator, so pack an extra warm layer just in case.

If you want to feel extra safe when leaving a hotel room, buy a money belt and anti-theft day pack.

Here are 5 essential things we think you need for Medellin.

  • Windbreaker for Him & for Her | Whether you're headed out for a full day tour to Guatape or plan on hiking in Arvi Park, bring a jacket.

  • Sneakers for Him & for Her | Long day walking around the city can be tiring, wear comfy shoes to prevent blisters.

  • Anti-Theft Daypack | A well designed, comfortable, sturdy day pack where you can easily fit your travel things, phone, valuables, and 13inch laptop.

  • Sunscreen | Use sunscreen in Medellin even if you only go out to explore the city.

  • Money Belt | Wearing a money belt will help you avoid many sketchy situations in the city center of Medellin.

We've also written an in-depth South America packing list where you will find more useful tips and advice on what to pack.

Graffiti is everywhere in Colombian cities.

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation: When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld.

Tours: Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator.

Rental Cars: When going on a road trip, we always use, a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets: When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance: World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.