How to Choose the Best Campervan Rental in Iceland


Choosing the best campervan rental company for your Iceland road trip is absolutely essential. Read our tips on how to find the best campervan, what you need to know before your trip, and reasons why we traveled around Iceland with Go Campers. Here's everything you need to consider before renting a campervan in Iceland.

We absolutely and unconditionally love road trips. It is one of the best ways how to explore a new country, how to go off the beaten path, and how to experience real freedom.

So when we were deciding on our next destination, Iceland was a clear choice as it is a country perfect for road tripping at your own pace.

Pristine nature and the possibility to tackle Iceland's rugged landscape made us want to go immediately.

We just did not know whether it would be best to rent a car and sleep in regular hostels or hotels or if renting a campervan in Iceland would be something that would make us happier.

Although we know that both options have pros and cons, from the very beginning, we naturally leaned towards spending as much time as possible outside, so we booked the campervan for two weeks.

Before we share with you tips on how to choose the best campervan rental in Iceland for your road trip that will suit all your needs, we have a confession to make.

We lived for more than a year in a campervan in New Zealand, so we are pretty strict when it comes to this type of traveling/living, plus we knew what to expect.

We know some great ways to improve the camper inside so there is enough space for food and clothes even when the room is small, and we can immediately tell when a camper is pretty on a picture but not practical in reality.

This experience of ours can be a blessing, but a curse as well, as it is not that easy for us to find a perfect campervan. And we wanted our Iceland road trip to be perfect.

At the end of the day, we do not need much. A comfortable mattress, a place to cook our meals (as Iceland is quite expensive), and store our clothes.

But even if you are a traveler who needs more comfort, do not worry.

Campervan life in Iceland is a huge phenomenon, and long gone are days when sleeping in a converted car was the least comfortable and most budget option.

Renting a Campervan in Iceland

When you are choosing what campervan rental in Iceland is the best for you, there are many things you need to factor in.

From what company to opt for, how big a campervan you need, if you are ok with 2WD or your Iceland itinerary requires 4WD to your budget, there are definitely a lot to think about.

That's why we have decided to put together this travel guide, which aims to help all travelers and future Iceland visitors to find the most convenient solution.

In this blog post, we will also share with you reasons why, after thorough research, we have opted for renting the campervan at Go Campers company and why we could not have been happier with our choice.

In a nutshell, here's everything you need to know before renting a camper in Iceland.

Booking a campervan in Iceland does not need to be a stressful task.

Yes, the country has been overly popular lately, and after having visited ourselves, we can blame only Iceland's immense beauty.

But after you set your expectations right and express your demands, you will for sure find the best campervan rental for you, your family, or a group of friends.

Let's dive into it.

How to Choose a Rental Company

The hardest question is what camper rental company to choose for your Iceland road trip. Unfortunately, it is the first question you need to solve.

When you search the internet and google a phrase the best campervan rental company in Iceland, a large number of results will pop up.

Well, at least you already know that you are going to travel in a campervan, that eliminates sleeping in a tent and traveling in a regular car. In Iceland, more than anywhere else, we noticed a wide range of rental companies.

There are not just three or four major ones. During the day, you will meet so many different cars and campervans. Sure, some of them repeat more frequently, but still, we started to wonder how all these companies can make a profit.

How do we proceed when looking for a campervan or rental car in a foreign country we've never been to before? To be honest, we follow our common sense most of the time.

Of course, we also read reviews on travel forums, but what is most important to us is how the company presents itself.

For example, some travelers have sympathies for hippie companies or companies with strong marketing; we usually make sure that the company's presentation is clean and clear, that we can find all the relevant information quickly, there are no hidden costs, the feedbacks seem genuine and reliable, etc.

We prefer simple things, simple design, and a feeling of stability. I do not know why, but we usually do not go after the most popular brand, but we choose a company from the first big five.

There still must be a good reason why a business ranks high, right?

When we were searching for an Iceland road trip campervan, we knew we wanted something smaller as we like when the camper still feels like a regular car because we are not used to driving anything huge, a vehicle that looks decent, a car that does not shout for miles that all our stuff are inside.

We found all that with Go Campers - it is one of the leading campervan companies in Iceland for many reasons, and the more we read about it, the more we liked it.

One of the most important things for us is that the company supports sustainable tourism, but we appreciated even those tiny details, like that the campervan, thanks to its white color and the unsuspicious logo, looks great on photos.

What is Your Budget

The price of your campervan will depend on the size, whether you prefer 2WD or 4WD (4WD is always more expensive), or if you require any additional equipment.

Still, traveling Iceland on a budget can affect the choice of your campervan.

We usually travel as cheap as possible (with occasional splurges), so we were glad that Go Campers also offered a basic campervan for travelers like us.

Travelers, who like adventure, want to see as much as possible and do not stay in the campervan longer than necessary (we were inside really just during the driving and then at night).

You've probably already heard that Iceland is not a cheap country.

We had already counted how much the two weeks in Iceland cost us, and now we can only confirm that it was one of the most expensive countries we've visited so far.

The overall cost was another reason why we opted for Go Smart Camper. It still included sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, cutlery, pots and pans, unlimited mileage, free extra driver, and most importantly, the CDW insurance.

We would have probably opted for a bigger version of the campervan if we had visited Iceland in winter.

First, we would have most likely spent in the car much more time as the daylight was significantly shorter, we would have been wetter and needed to dry clothes more often, and also, we might have needed a heater.

We did not find a heater in the turn of June and July necessary, but we believe you could find it pleasant outside these months.

If your Iceland budget is higher, your options on what campervan to rent are obviously much wider.

What we could see, the cost of campervans is very similar when it comes to their basic product, and then they increase the price depending on the type of the higher-level campervan or depending on the season.

To save money when traveling around Iceland with a campervan, we recommend you to consider shoulder season or even off-season as June till August are the most desirable months.

Group Size Matters

One of the most important criteria when searching for the right type of campervan in Iceland is the size of your group and additionally the level of comfort you require.

If you travel as a couple, you can choose the smallest versions of campers that you can still maneuver as a regular car, but if you know you prefer more space and a cozy built-in kitchenette, there is always room for an upgrade, and you can pay for a larger type.

Remember that choosing the best campervan for your road trip is right after creating the ultimate Iceland itinerary the most important thing, so think about the size of your car carefully.

We knew that we would be absolutely fine in the small campervan, but if you've never slept and organized your stuff in a campervan before, we know it is hard to imagine it.

If you can afford it, it is for sure always better (more comfortable) to enjoy more space.

If you travel as a group of friends or a family of four or five, you must opt for a bigger campervan anyway.

Campervans are usually well designed, so you do not have to worry you will feel cramped.

Even though the large campers might seem expensive, put the numbers in perspective. You will most likely rent a car anyway, and the accommodation in Iceland is way more costly than campsites. Plus, you can cook, which saves money too.

Most of the rental companies offer more types of campers, so once you find the business you would like to go with, there should not be a problem finding the right campervan for you.

For example, Go Campers have campers that sleep two to five people in many versions.

Decide on When to Travel Around Iceland

Iceland is a country with four distinctive seasons, and when searching for a campervan, it is something you should consider as well.

The most popular and best time to travel to Iceland is between June and August when your chance to experience warmer and drier weather is the highest.

Said that even though we had in June and July much better weather conditions than anticipated, the wind was still freezing, and we definitely would be reserved to call fifteen degrees summer temperatures.

Both spring and autumn are very unpredictable, and the weather can turn either way.

Winter in Iceland must be unique, as we saw some incredible photos, but it is also time when you can expect snow, lower temperatures, and yet again, the chilly wind.

This very brief description of Iceland's seasons brings us to the equipment you should require from your campervan.

We rented the most basic camper without the heater, and it was in the summer absolutely fine.

We were provided with warm sleeping bags and blankets, and thanks to it, we felt cozy even when the cold wind was blowing outside.

We appreciated the most about our Go Smart Camper because even in our small camper, we could cook inside as there was a small reclining table.

Even though we are used to cooking outside (and for the majority of our trip, we did so), on some days, the wind was too strong, making it impossible.

When planning your travel around Iceland for spring, autumn, or winter, we would recommend you to choose a camper that has a heater and a bit bigger kitchenette, as it is possible, you'll be making hot coffee or tea more frequently than we did.

It is definitely more comfortable to prepare your drinks and meals inside.

What is Your Road Trip Itinerary

Just before you make a booking for your dreamed campervan, make sure you at least know your rough Iceland itinerary.

Iceland is famous for its Ring Road that is suitable for all types of cars, but if you want to get to the country's highlands or outside the traditional circle, it is good to know that not all roads are paved.

We have opted for a 2WD car, and amazing Iceland's nature kept us busy for the whole two weeks, but for our next trip to Iceland, we will definitely rent a 4WD that will allow us to travel to the more remote parts.

As we have direct flights from Prague to Reykjavik that take less than four hours, we are pretty confident we will come back one day.

But if this trip is for you the once in a lifetime opportunity, you should write down first all the places you want to visit, and then check out carefully what car is necessary to get there, to avoid unpleasant surprises on the spot.

It is also good to check out road trip conditions on as some of the roads, especially in the center of the country, open up only during the summer months as it is necessary to wait for the snow to melt.

4WD campers are obviously more expensive than 2WD, but as we said, it gives you even more freedom, as you will get almost everywhere you desire without thinking about it much.

Go Campers offers two types of 4WD cars that sleep up to four people, so if you already know your itinerary includes hiking in Landmannalaugar, opt for this type of camper.

To make it simpler, all F-roads are not accessible by 2WD cars.

Travel Insurance

We never leave home without travel insurance that was designed to cover our expenses if something goes wrong during the trip.

Travel insurance protects against theft, flight delays, injury, illness, cancellations, and much more.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers to cover their trip essentials, including sports and adventure activities.

SafetyWing is affordable travel insurance for backpackers, long-term travelers, and digital nomads.

Travel smarter and safer!

Find the Pick-Up and Drop-Off Location

It is good to know that, unlike regular car rental companies, not many campervans are possible to pick up right at the airport. The companies usually offer transfers from the airport, though.

When we were searching for our options on how to get from the airport to the rental car company, we found the location of the Go Campers office very convenient.

As our flight arrived after midnight when none of the companies was open anyways, we booked a shuttle bus from the airport that took us to Hafnarfjörður.

Sometimes spelled as Hafnarfjordur, this is a suburb of Reykjavik, where the Go Campers office is located.

We spent a night in T10 Hotel that was only three minutes from Hotel Hraun (this is where the bus stops), and from this place, we could walk to the office in less than five minutes first thing in the morning.

This also allowed us to start early in the morning, and we were first stepping outside the office - it is how excited we were.

We actually really liked the Hafnarfjordur location as we could pick up the car, do the shopping as there are grocery stores, fill up the gas tank, and set off.

When we dropped off the car, guys in the office offered us a ride to a bus station that was a really nice touch.

How is the Customer Service

What else is important in the process of choosing the best campervan rental? We would say testing customer service.

Try to shoot an email to a few companies, ask several questions, and you will see how they will respond.

What we value the most is the quick and direct answer. You must realize that anything can happen on the road, and all the real fun starts after making the reservation.

For example, we had a flat tire that we could fix ourselves, but more difficult obstacles can come up, and you must be sure there will always be someone you can rely on in case of emergency, someone who will be able to assist you.

A trustworthy company should have customer service 24/7.

Check Out the Website

We might sound a bit biased here, but when we are about to use a service we do not have any previous experience with, we go and check out their website, mainly the blog section.

Nowadays, almost every company has a blog or social media as it is a great medium to share their values and tips.

The blog section of Go Campers was really helpful; we even planned our two days in Westfjords according to their tips.

We felt that they really care about their customers and work hard to provide travelers with great tips that only a local can give you.

Select the Extras

For your comfort, you can always pay a bit more for additional features, such as chairs, tables, coffee press, BBQ, gas canister, GPS, or mobile WIFI router in case you must be connected all the time.

We found it very convenient to have a power inverter as we could charge mobile phones and camera batteries while driving.

As we had very little time for planning our trip, we did not know which campsites we were going to use on the road but had we had more time; we would have purchased a camping card.

For only 159 EUR, it gives you access to 41 campsites where you can spend a night.

Our Tip: Iceland is known for its severe weather, and there might be times you will spend an hour or so in your campervan waiting for the wind to clear the sky.

Pack Kindle to kill time or use this time for planning your next moves with Iceland Lonely Planet.

Traveling Around Iceland in a Campervan: Who is It for?

We know that campervan life is not for everyone as it comes with many pros but also several challenges. So who is it for?

It is for travelers who seek flexibility. But even camping in Iceland has its rules.

No, you cannot sleep wherever you want in Iceland anymore, you must find designated campgrounds, but still, it is a much more open-minded experience.

It is for people who want to get up every morning and see the sky, who want to reconnect with nature and enjoy the unique way of exploring an incredible country like Iceland is.

After traveling two weeks around Iceland and sleeping in a campervan, we know that renting a camper for our road trip was a perfect choice.

Hope this travel guide helped you with choosing your campervan!

This post was written in collaboration with Go Campers. As always, all opinions are our own.

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation: When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld.

Tours: Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator.

Rental Cars: When going on a road trip, we always use, a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets: When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance: World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.

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